SmartForest system uses electronic sensors to gauge tree growth, quality and health.
System uses circular aluminum tanks that float on rafts of plastic bottles.
The firm's main market consists of ice cream, chocolate powder, dairy beverages, juice, bread and cake manufacturers.
System created by Brazilian startup optimizes truck routes, cuts logistics and fuel costs, and reduces emission of pollutants.
System developed by GetNinjas focuses on Google AdWords and could result in a new line of business for the startup.
App developed by InCeres uses nutrient data obtained from soil analysis, weather conditions, crop type and satellite images.
The technology is called Fluid and uses mobile sensors that record vibrations in water pipes, comparing them with a cloud database.
MacPath system permits automated planning of tractors, harvesters and sprayers based on logistics, cost, and surface of areas for planting.
Technology developed by Brazilian firm i-Healthsys can be used to control hand hygiene and medical procedures
Brazilian firm Propark is developing a platform to provide the information required for urban tree management.
Artificial intelligence system developed by firm supported by FAPESP's Innovative Research in Small Business Program (PIPE) reduced leak losses in a region of Rio de Janeiro State.
Goal is to use a mix of pelleted native seeds that will guarantee results for rural proprietors.
Technology developed by KartFly for entertainment market can also be used in logistics industry.
App connected to pest traps will help farmers apply agrochemicals at the right time and in the right amount.
View was expressed by participants in the first Brazilian conference on Industry 4.0, hosted by one of Brazil's leading industry associations.