FAPESP will support innovation projects of São Paulo companies with European countries
06 de setembro de 2022FAPESP Innovative R&D – FAPESP announces its participation in the Eureka Globalstars 2022 proposal call, which will select collaborative innovation research projects.
The call involves the state of São Paulo, Sweden and Spain, represented respectively by FAPESP, Vinnova (Swedish Innovation Agency) and the Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI). The call awaits confirmation of the participation of Germany, represented by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Multinational collaboration is made possible under the Eureka Network’s Globalstars mechanism. It is a network of research and innovation funding organizations that aims to support the execution of collaborative research and development projects. The network encompasses 48 countries, having supported more than 7,000 projects with a budget of more than € 48 billion, in one of the world’s largest initiatives to foster innovation.
The call is launched under a cooperation agreement recently signed by the Eureka Network with the Brazilian Innovation Agency (FINEP), the Brazilian Industrial Research and Innovation Company (EMBRAPII), and the National Council of State Research Foundations (CONFAP), enabling FAPESP’s participation.
The call comprises the following FAPESP Funding Opportunities: PIPE Phase 2 Direct, PIPE TC Phase 2 Direct, and PITE – Modality 2. The themes of the call are artificial intelligence in smart cities and in health and industry 4.0.
The selected projects may be bilateral or multilateral, involving at least one company from the state of São Paulo and a company or research institution from one of the other participating countries. The size of the participating São Paulo companies will depend on the type of support chosen.
FAPESP will provide the equivalent of up to €1.5 million for the approved proposals. Projects may last up to three years. The funding values and conditions of partner agencies can be found at: www.eurekanetwork.org/open-calls/globalstars-brazil-sao-paulo-2022.
Candidates from the state of São Paulo must submit proposals through SAGe, according to the instructions of the call and the chosen modality (PIPE or PITE). The research project must be submitted to FAPESP in English and should be consistent with the submission made on the Eureka platform.
Closing date for proposals submission is January 31, 2023.
The cal lis available at https://fapesp.br/15644.