FAPESP will select projects in acceleration of energy transition
16 de agosto de 2022FAPESP Innovative R&D – FAPESP announces the call for proposals “Acceleration of energy transition in the State of São Paulo and Brazil”, launched under the FAPESP Research Program on Global Climate Change (RPGCC).
The call will select research projects which are cross-cutting to various disciplines and have strategic character, with the purpose of organizing actions and investments in Research, Development and Innovation in the energy area, which are related to the transition to a low carbon economy and emission neutralization for the state of São Paulo.
The call focuses on supporting research projects that contribute primarily to the Sustainable Development Goals: 7 – Clean and Affordable Energy and 13 – Action Against Global Climate Change.
Projects that offer analysis and vision of the future to accelerate an energy transition will be supported, especially considering aspects of technological innovation in the production and use of energy (electricity and fuels), physical, institutional and regulatory infrastructure and issues related to biodiversity conservation, among others.
The proposals are expected to bring progress in regulation along with incentive mechanisms, regulatory innovations, and new technical standards to accelerate the creation of energy value chains.
The proposals should seek to accelerate the creation of a domestic and export market for carbon credits, infrastructure engineering, energy storage and distribution, as well as instruments and policies for energy demand management.
It is also expected that the proposals will seek synergies with international trends and consider the possibility (and opportunities) of international cooperation.
In FAPESP, the proposals submitted in the call must follow the standards and guidelines of the chosen modality of Research Assistance: Regular, Thematic Project or Young Investigator. Exceptionally, in the Regular Research Grants scheme a Postdoctoral Fellowship can be requested as a budget item.
FAPESP will allocate up to R$ 10 million to support the proposals selected in the call. Proposals will be received by January 27, 2023.
The call for proposals is published in: fapesp.br/15605.