Up to five RIDCs will be created in the areas of Health Sciences, Biological Sciences, and Agronomy and Veterinary. Research in the CCDs should promote the advancement of knowledge and evidence expected improvements in public policies (photo: USP Imagens)

FAPESP launches new calls for proposals for the creation of RIDCs and Science for Development Centers

14 de janeiro de 2025

FAPESP Innovative R&D – FAPESP announces the launch of the call for proposals for the establishment of new Science for Development Centers (CCDs) and a new call for proposals for the creation of up to five Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centers (RIDCs) in the areas of Health Sciences, Biological Sciences, Agronomy and Veterinary.

The CCDs are research centers funded by FAPESP for a period of 2 to 5 years, with mandatory participation of a public entity in the creation and execution of a project that aims to solve major public challenges faced by the government. The deadline for submitting proposals for the public notice is March 31, 2025.

The research topics of the new CCDs were suggested by PRODESP, the Department of Highways (DER), the State Attorney General’s Office (PGE) with the Department of Health, the Department of Agriculture and Supply, among 17 public agencies, and which cover challenges such as the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline public services, regulatory issues for the use of the right-of-way of São Paulo state’s highways, urban resettlements, inclusive education, among others. The proposed research should not only promote the advancement of existing knowledge, but also highlight the expected improvements in public policies.

The teams must be composed of researchers from universities and/or research institutes, with government agencies as partners, and it is desirable, but not mandatory, to involve companies and/or government organizations. The selected proposals will be announced in August 2025.

The notice is available in https://fapesp.br/17328.

Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centers

The RIDCs bring together researchers around fundamental or applied research issues, in order to contribute to innovation through technology transfer, in addition to offering educational activities and knowledge dissemination. The deadline for submission of pre-proposals is from January 6 to April 29, 2025.

In this call, FAPESP will be able to select up to five proposals that will receive support of R$ 10 million. The funding will initially be granted for a period of 5 years, and may be renewed for a maximum of two more periods of 3 years each.

Submitted proposals must have as their core a bold, original and strongly competitive research plan nationally and internationally. The goals must be described in a clear and objective manner, indicating the metrics and the way these goals will be met in the medium and long term, in line with the deadlines of the reports, as well as their possible impacts on society.

This notice follows a calendar for submission of proposals that began in 2021 and will end in 2026, each of which covers major areas of knowledge: Health Sciences, Biological Sciences and Agronomy and Veterinary, Human and Social Sciences, Architecture and Urbanism, Economics and Administration; and Exact and Earth Sciences and Engineering.

The notice is available at https://fapesp.br/17329.